official Agency businessWork Ethic & Expectations
Silent reading and quiet questioning, apply all the reading strategies that you have been taught. If you do not understand what you have read, stop, reread, and define words until you understand. If you need help, "Ask 3 then me." Write/Make Do and submit quality work, consistently be on task, use evidence to support your claim, explain your reasoning, and follow all the directions. If you need help, "Ask 3 then me." Listen/Speak During discussions, always use the language of history. If you are unsure how to do this, use the words on the word wall at the front of the classroom, the sentence starters provided, and/or your notes in your composition notebook. If you need help, "Ask 3 then me." |
WELCOME TO THE TIME MACHINE, AGENTS.Introduction Unit: Main Events Timeline (1/2 - 1 week)
Your missions, should you choose to accept them...
Question: What makes something historically significant?
Purpose: You must build background knowledge of the main events crucial to your success throughout the year. This BGK intel will help you understand, question, and communicate the facts and ideas learned in 8th grade United States history. Doing: You will create a personal dictionary to use during discussions, collaborate in teams to find and write definitions, read about the main events listed on the main events timeline, use textual evidence to support your answers to historical thinking questions, and create teacing tools that we will use in a classroom gallery walk and scholarly discussion about historical significance.
1. Write one paragraph at least 5 complete sentences. 2. Use one of these writing structures: (click here for response graphic organizers) Description, Sequence, Cause/Effect, Compare/Contrast, Argumentative/Persuasive. 3. As always, should you or any of your agency be lost or confused, Agent Y can be called to intervene. This message will self distruct at the bell. CLASSROOM RESOURCES